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CNC Celebrates Cinco de Mayo with Latino Centered ‘Súbete la Manga’ Challenge

     CNC Celebrates Cinco de Mayo with Latino Centered ‘Súbete la Manga’ Challenge

The ‘Súbete la Manga’ challenge relies on community members to encourages COVID-19 vaccination 

Sacramento, CA   Communities for a New California (CNC) is dancing into Cinco de Mayo with a call for eligible Californians to participate in the ‘Súbete la Manga’ challenge. The challenge encourages Spanish-speaking Latinos to ‘roll up their sleeves’ and get vaccinated.   

Widely known Mexican-American radio and television personality, Don Cheto, partnered with CNC to create a culturally responsive jingle encouraging COVID-19 vaccinations. The jingle reminds audiences that the COVID-19 vaccine is free and available regardless of immigration status. “It’s important for our community to see themselves reflected in the vaccination process and to receive information from the people they trust,” said Anna Lisa Vargas, a CNC lead community organizer.  

Here is how residents from across California have responded: 

Nolan Sarabia – Restaurant Manager

Marta Vargas – Indio, California

Coachella Valley Resident & Farmworker

Don Cheto's Súbete la Manga y Vacúnate recorded message is being broadcasted across social media platforms and on the radio targeting Coachella Latinos as well as those in surrounding hard-to-reach neighborhoods. CNC is also providing outreach through phone banking efforts encompassing 10 counties (with the goal of ultimately reaching over 50,000 households), literature distribution in Coachella, Merced, and Stanislaus, as well as door-to-door canvassing in Sacramento. Additionally, CNC provides critical training and assistance to a growing list of 24 organizations to help these groups replicate outreach efforts among both hard-to-reach and low participation neighborhoods. CNC has implemented a series of communications campaigns that include COVID-19 vaccination messaging at essential locations like supermarkets and in virtual spaces such as radio, TV, and social media.

Watch the original Don Cheto Subete la Manga video:

CNC encourages everyone 16 years of age and older to get vaccinated. Sign up for a vaccine at myturn.ca.gov, call 1-833-422-4255, or visit a vaccination center in your area. !Súbete la Manga y vacúnate!  Watch the Don Cheto Súbete la Manga video on CNC’s Facebook

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Communities for a New California Education Fund is building a new power in the San Joaquin, Central and Imperial valleys by inspiring working-class Californians to engage, activate and fight for social change in their communities. With the help of staff and volunteers from the very communities we serve, CNC EF organizes and educates residents about policy issues that impact our rural families and organize to improve our neighborhoods.