November 3, 2021
CONTACT: Karina Martinez 858/752-1262 or [email protected]
CNC Urges Parents to Make Vaccine Appointments for Children
Announcement of expanded eligibility comes as CNC doubles down efforts to reach unvaccinated
The CDC recommends Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 through 11, expanding vaccine eligibility to 28 million children across the nation (with 3.5 million in California). CNC applauds the strides that have been made that will help protect the health of our youngest school-aged kids and give parents much-needed relief. Over six million children have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the start of this pandemic and many continue to get infected. Although children can often be asymptomatic, COVID-19 can lead to hospitalizations, inflammatory syndromes, and even death.
“We owe it to our little ones to get them vaccinated as soon as possible; they’ve braved this pandemic with us in their own ways as they’ve had less time with friends and family outside of their household, adjusted to online school, and missed out on life experiences, all while keeping a smile on our faces even if they've been covered by face masks,” said Hatzune Aguilar CNC’s strategic engagement director and mother of two. Tips for making child vaccine appointments have been distributed through CNC online platforms.
This new development comes as CNC prepares to ramp up COVID-19 outreach through its revitalized Tortillas y Mas grassroots program targeting California Latinos. Vaccine campaigns will launch in ten tiendas across California from Merced to Sacramento using store intercoms to give audio vaccine information in addition to providing culturally relevant posters and visuals to complement the shopping experience. “The goal is to reach our neighbors in the areas we most frequent, in ways that resonate with our Latino families,” said Samantha Valadez, CNC Field Director.
CNC will be running a simultaneous digital campaign and will also be hosting a town hall in partnership with Univision in mid-November.
Communities for a New California Education Fund is building a new power in the San Joaquin, Coachella and Imperial valleys by inspiring working-class Californians to engage, activate and fight for social change in their neighborhoods. With the help of staff and volunteers from the very neighborhoods we serve, CNC EF organizes and mobilizes residents on public policy issues that impact our rural families and organizes to improve our neighborhoods.