January 25th, 2022
Merced Forward Together: Equitable Representation Achieved Through Community-Driven Redistricting Map
The Merced Forward Together map can be viewed in full detail here
Merced, CA – Merced Forward Together is a new city map that guarantees a more accurate balance of representation, four Latino Majority-Minority Districts, prioritizes keeping communities of interest whole, and is in line with all federal and state laws. Communities for a New California Education Fund and Power California brought Merced residents together to inform this map to ensure that constituents were kept at the heart of the redistricting process.
Reflecting countless hours of community of interest notes from residents, the Merced Forward Together map ensures more equitable representation for working families for the next decade and creates more opportunities for progressive change. This map puts power back into the hands of constituents by keeping the needs of our families front and center.
The adoption of the Merced Forward Together map would create opportunities for new leadership that accurately reflects and represents all Merced residents, not only the select historically-represented few.
“Young people are the future of Merced and redistricting will determine our next 10 years, so it’s critical that young people have been actively involved in the creation of this map,” said Lizeth Calderon, a Central Valley Organizer with Power California. “A map that doesn’t honor the youth voice or consider where Merced is headed is not enough – the Merced Forward Together map is the only map that says my future matters.”
Merced is a richly diverse city, with over 70% of residents identifying as a person of color. “The Merced Forward Together map honors all communities in Merced, not just wealthy developers or historically well-represented neighborhoods,” said Communities for a New California Organizer, Rosa Inguanzo. “This map finally gives a proper voice to our families that have always been here – and we’re saying that we matter and our votes count just as much as everyone else’s.”
There are only two redistricting hearings left for the public to speak in support of their preferred maps and communities of interest on February 7th and March 7th, 2022. The full redistricting schedule can be found on the City of Merced’s website.
Communities for a New California Education Fund is building a new power in the San Joaquin, Central and Imperial valleys by inspiring working-class Californians to engage, activate and fight for social change in their communities. With the help of staff and volunteers from the very communities we serve, CNC EF organizes and educates residents about policy issues that impact our rural families and organize to improve our neighborhoods.
Power California harnesses the energy of the largest and most diverse generation to create a state that is fair, inclusive and just for everyone who calls California home. We are building the power of young people of color and their families to participate and lead systems of government at all levels and to ensure that voters and elected leaders mirror the rich diversity that is California.